Color Pick 2 (With Hex Output) By Lance Squire, 2011 This AstroBASIC program is used to determine the hex value associated with the Bally/Astrocade color ports. The user inputs numbers in HEX using the controller in port 1 and by pressing left/right and up/down. The screen color changes immediately with each change of input. It is very convenient to use "Color Pick 2" as a quick way to determine what the color required in a machine language program. The program can be loaded with: :INPUT ; RUN While "Color Pick 2" is running, the hex value associated with the current screen color is printed. The typical BASIC "musical tones" are made as the value is printed on the screen. This can be a little bit annoying at times. If you would like to turn off the sounds, the load and run the program like this: :INPUT When the program has finished loading, type: NT=0 Now type: RUN Not only is the printing of the hex values silenced, but the values are printed just a little bit faster as well.